Help! I’m Flying by the Seat of My Pants

So I was sitting at work with the network down and pondering many different things today.

I was reminded this week why getting healthy was so important. Heart disease is in my family’s history and reappeared this week with my uncles heart attack. This uncle is the one who walked me down the isles. The one who drove on the wrong side of a country road talking with a British accent. The crazy uncle that we all love immensely. So it hit home pretty hard.

So I am trying to figure out what some goals I would like to achieve this year. This is tough for a fly by the seat of your pants kinda girl.

Fly by the Seat of Your Pants
to proceed or work by feel or instinct without formal guidelines or experience

I have things I want to do and I know they are in my brain but really what are they. So here I sit contemplating goals for the next 6 months…

Goal 1
Eat healthy and exercise. I know I have said this numerous times but it hit pretty close to home so I need to do it. So no more diets. I’m going to eat well and move more!

Goal 2
Work towards being debt free. We are no where near being able to do this in 6 months but I know I need to get better with our finances. I saw a post from a friend recently that they bought a new to them van with cash. They did the total money makeover by Dave Ramsey and they are proof it works. Way to go Amu and Dave!

Goal 3
Crochet an afghan. I know this may seem silly but I always seem to do small projects because they finish quickly. I want to work on a long term project and stick with it.

Goal 4
Keep a semi clean house. I say semi clean because I am not a neat freak not to I have any type of OCD. I would like to have a schedule and stick to it. Something doable everyday.

Goal 5
Spend intentional time with God. I need to be better at setting time aside to spend time with God. Whether it’s doing a devotional, sitting listening to some music, praying, I need to be more consistent. I let everything else interrupt me and take away from the time I should be using to sit quietly in His presence.

Ok so I just noticed a theme in all of these. I have a hard time doing something consistently. It’s the fly by the seat of you pants girl that is trying to focus on particular areas. Even in my job everything is project based and changes month to month, week to week. So how do I settle my spirit and focus? If you have any suggestion please let me know.



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