Life.  Well lots has happened since my last post in November.  Christmas. New Years. Chloe turned 14. Emmy turned 12. Mark turned 41. Both girls are in Braces. Chloe received NBCC Performer of the Month for basketball NB.  Emmy started playing volleyball, joined the Roofers and she is Loving it.  I am working away at my new (not so new anymore) job and LOVING what I do. I am also re-focusing on getting healthy (how many times is this now?).  What has made me not beat myself up about the rollercoaster ride of trying to get healthy is this quote. If you keep trying, you are not failing! ~Mark Batterson, The Circle Maker  I have quoted it before and will quote again!

So I am on Day 28 of The Daniel Plan.  The principles of the plan are Faith, Friends, Fitness and Focus.  Today was a great reminder of why I am on this journey and that I am not alone.  I am trying to do the Daniel Plan journal everyday and read Jesus Calling as my devotions.  This is what I read today.  God’s perfect timing!

Jesus Calling Feb 17

Why was this just what I needed today?  Well I felt FAT!  I felt like all I was doing was for nothing!  I felt like saying “Who cares”  Have you been there?  Working hard at making changes but feeling some days like Why am I doing this, Is it really worth it, Is it working?  We really beat ourselves up along this journey.  No wonder so many people fail.  There are so many changes that I can already see:  I feel better, clothes are fitting better, sleeping better.  Yet when the scale doesn’t move we start thinking the worst.  I can preach that it really doesn’t matter but deep down it’s still something I struggle with.  I do not have the willpower to do this on my own, but with God’s help anything is possible!

I have prayed about this.  I feel like God placed a number on my heart of where I should be…what I haven’t done is let it happen in His time.  He did not say “It will be done by June 2014″  He just gave me the number and said He would walk the journey with me.  I cannot do this alone.  I know that He is with me and I have a friend that I am travelling this journey with as well.  God knows there is strength in numbers and I am blessed to have a friend to walk down this path with.

One of my biggest struggles right now is fitting in fitness.  My excuse for the longest time was how tired I was.  Well now that I am feeling better I think it’s time.  So I am going to start with Walking and trying to get it in on my lunch hour.  I will find someone to go with so it keeps me accountable.  Already have 2 days planned!

Sometimes  you just need perspective.  Now I am not belittling anyone but when I was out at lunch it made me realize that I could be a lot worse off than I am.  I have a God that is Greater than this.  The means to do it. No ailments that keep me from getting healthier (I say healthier because I am relatively healthy just not fit!). Friends to help me.  Family surrounding me and supporting me.  And last but not least, Myself.  I do not have my head in a cloud and I recognize that I need and Can do this! So here’s to the positive.

So as of Feb 9 which was 20 days into 40 days of the Daniel Plan I was down just over 9lbs and had lost 4” in 10 days.  No matter how fast or slow this goes, I will celebrate the victories!

CW Signature

“Believe that Something Great is About to Happen because God Can do Anything”

Hebrews 11:1 Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.

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